ATEX-rated products, designed to operate safely in explosive atmospheres, are critical to ensure safety across various industries. The term "ATEX" originates from the French "Atmosphères Explosibles," and represents a comprehensive framework within the European Union (EU), aimed at safeguarding equipment and systems used in potentially explosive environments. These standards and directives are instrumental in preventing accidents, protecting human lives, and preserving valuable assets. Similar standards apply globally, including IECEx, NEC and CEC.
The Rotronic hazardous area rated equipment range (HygroFlex5-EX), used in conjunction with the hazardous area rated digital probe range (HC2-EX, is engineered explicitly for precise measurements of humidity and temperature in explosive atmospheres. The importance of measuring relative humidity and temperature in such environments relates to product quality, safety, process efficiency and compliance. PST has a long history of working with instrumentation in hazardous areas, from Oil and Gas to Additive Manufacturing. We are proud of our deep knowledge in the areas of certification, SIL and hazardous area products. In this blog, we look closer at some potentially explosive applications where humidity and temperature in particular play a pivotal role:
One crucial application of hazardous area rated humidity and temperature measurement equipment is in flour and grain silos and pneumatic conveying systems that transport flour within large factories and mills. Flour, being a finely ground substance, is susceptible to forming explosive dust clouds when suspended in the air. Monitoring relative humidity and temperature within flour and grain industry is essential for several reasons:
ATEX-rated humidity and temperature measurement equipment is also instrumental in explosive manufacturing and storage facilities. The following points highlight their significance:
Military and law enforcement agencies rely on ATEX-rated measurement equipment to ensure the safety and integrity of ammunition and ordnance storage facilities:
Explosives are indispensable in mining and demolition operations, where safety is paramount:
Stability Assurance: Explosives used in such operations must be stored and handled under specific environmental conditions to guarantee their stability and reliability. Accurate humidity control is necessary to avoid unpredictable results, while temperature management helps maintain the stability of these explosives.
Many oil and gas facilities are considered explosive atmospheres due to the presence of flammable gases or dust. ATEX-rated measurement and analyzing instruments are ubiquitous in these applications and play a critical role in safeguarding personnel and equipment:
In firework displays, pyrotechnics and fireworks rely on precise timing and ignition:
In summary, ATEX-rated or hazardous area products, such as the HygroFlex5-EX and HC2-EX probes, are integral to ensuring safety and compliance with regulations in many applications where explosive atmospheres are a potential hazard. Their role extends beyond safety to quality, maintenance, operational efficiency and asset protection. By safely monitoring and helping control humidity and temperature, these products contribute significantly to minimizing the risk of accidents, maintaining product integrity, and upholding stringent regulatory and safety standards in various industries.
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