Why CO2 Measurement is even more important during Pandemic Times

co2 measurement devices

Regular ventilation of closed rooms has taken on a whole new meaning in the Corona pandemic. To ensure they detect the right time for fresh air, more and more schools and companies are using CO2 measuring instruments. These measure the concentration of CO2 in a room and indicate when an aerosol density is too high.

It has been clear, not only since the Corona pandemic, that regular ventilation ensures a good indoor climate and helps people to concentrate during lessons or a meeting. Airing has taken on a whole new significance since the pandemic broke out. Since viruses and bacteria are also transmitted by aerosols, ventilation is central to avoiding possible infection with the Corona virus. However, aerosols are difficult to measure. However, together with aerosols, we also breathe out CO2, so too much CO2 in a room also means a correspondingly high concentration of aerosols.

Critical Value of 1,000 PPM

A person needs about 25 to 35 cubic meters of fresh air per hour for normal activities. If there is enough fresh air, the carbon dioxide (CO2) levels remain below the critical level of about 1,000 ppm (ppm = parts per million as a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide in the air). However, by the time you notice without aids that the air consumption in small rooms or those with many people is too high, the CO2 and aerosol concentrations are already very high and the room should have been ventilated.

Process Sensing CO2 Measurement Devices for all your needs

Measuring equipment for monitoring CO2 Process Sensing Technologies offers reliable, calibrated and tested measuring instruments with different features and options for a wide range of applications: CO2 sensors Dynament NDIR Standard or Dynament NDIR Platinum, SST CozIR-Blink, SST SprintIR and SST ExplorIR-M. CO2 transmitters Rotronic CF1 for measuring indoor air in Minergie buildings, in ventilation ducts or in offices and other workplaces, as well as in climate chambers or incubators. Handheld CO2 measuring instruments Rotronic CP11 and CO2 benchtop instruments Rotronic CL11 for mobile air quality indication in rooms or for leak monitoring of filling systems. The eye-catching striking Rotronic CO2 Display clearly visualizes the current CO2 content of the indoor air as well as the point in time when new fresh air is necessary. The CO2 monitoring set Rotronic RMS CCA-S-20X monitors the carbon dioxide content in incubators.

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