Measurement Data is Critical for Accurate Weather Forecasting

Measurement Instruments weather data meteorology

What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?

Meteorologists have come a long way in predicting weather. In the early 1920s, it took six weeks to manually calculate a six-hour forecast using data from just two points in Europe. Today, satellites, remote sensing data, and supercomputers enable us to predict weather for various timeframes, from short-term forecasts to long-term climate projections. These complex models require millions of data points, including temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind velocity, which are discretized to simulate the atmosphere's behaviour.

Meteorological events like thunderstorms or layer clouds are parameterized to reduce uncertainties. Forecasts begin with current weather conditions, and the accuracy of this input is critical. Meteorologists assimilate data from thousands of weather stations worldwide, as well as satellite and remote sensing data, producing a reliable basis for forecasting.

Facts & Figures

  • The largest recorded hailstone had a diameter of 17.8 cm.
  • Sukkur City in Pakistan boasts a 30°C dew point and feels like 65°C, making it one of the world's most humid places.
  • A study revealed that a small thunderstorm holds over 10 million tons of water.
  • Each weather pattern is unique.
  • Some weather models use data from over 25,000 weather stations.

The situation is, to a degree, simplified thanks to the work of the International Council for Harmonization for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). This body brings together regulatory authorities from around the world to share best practice and harmonize the safe and efficient development and manufacture of high-quality medicines to internationally agreed standards.

Why measure humidity in meteorological applications?

As described above, the daily weather forecast relies on the precise measurement of weather parameters. The science of numerical weather prediction aims to describe the daily hydrologic cycle in numbers – humidity plays an important role in this – data errors will multiply during calculations.

Humidity values influence weather calculations e.g. through the water vapor balance equation – this formula expresses the influence of humidity through rain & condensation, and vice-versa.

Incorrect measurement or incomplete humidity data directly leads to wrong predictions of a huge number of weather phenomena; this can include the condensation altitude of clouds, locations of hyetal regions, fog layers and storms.

A while ago incorrect data sent by a weather station in Nova Scotia, Canada led to an incorrect forecast for Hurricane Lothar two days before it hit Central Europe. Authorities were insufficiently prepared to alert people in time.

Our measurement solutions for harsh meteorological applications

Rotronic products are used in weather stations around the globe. They provide temperature & humidity data continuously with high accuracy even in demanding environments.

Rotronic manufactures a range of meteorological probes and provides weather shields to meet the standards required by meteorological organizations.

To complete the offering for meteorological applications we offer calibration services based on the unparalleled history of PST’s leading humidity calibration equipment manufacturers Rotronic and Michell Instruments.

Related Information

Check out our online Humidity Calculator
Measurement Solutions for Meteorological Applications
The importance of humidity measurement in meteorology

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