Compressed Air

Trace moisture transmitters and analyzers to monitor moisture contamination in compressed air

Controlling the Costs of Compressed Air

A supply of clean, dry compressed air is essential for manufacturing processes, laboratories and hospitals. To meet the international ISO 8573-1 standard for compressed air quality, compressed air needs to be dried and filtered to remove excess moisture and particulates.

Ensure that compressed the air class meets the ISO 14644 requirements for cleanroom applications within regulated manufacturing areas following Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations. PST offer an EU Annex 11 and FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliant solution to help fulfil the ISO 14644-2 and the ISPE Good Practice Guide – Process Gases monitoring plan requirements. Our monitoring systems and dew-point transmitters control compressed air dryers to keep costs down and ensure that the regulatory requirements are met.

Global Support and Factory-trained Engineers

Our customers benefit from a global service and support network direct from the manufacturer. We have led the market for moisture control in compressed air for over 40 years and our sensors, analyzers, control and monitoring systems draw upon this expertise in their design.

Our cost-effective sensor exchange program minimizes maintenance downtime.

Reliable Dew-point Measurements for Compressed Air from the Industry Leaders

We offer measurement equipment for continuous monitoring of dew point temperature and trace moisture in compressed air systems. Products range from cost-effective dew-point transmitters and portable hygrometers to explosion-proof moisture sensors and a cloud-based monitoring system (RMS).

Product Selector

Instrument Air

Compressed air used to power pneumatic tools and conveyers must be clean and dry to avoid contamination of products and corrosion of the equipment. The ISO Air Quality Standard ISO8573-1 is the international standard which sets out the requirements for compressed air purity and covers particulates and oil as well as moisture contamination. For class 2 compressed air, a pressure dew point (PDP) of -40°C or better is required and no liquid water is allowed.

Application/Service Purpose of Measurement Measurement Measurement Gas/Background Gas Recommended Product
Instrument Air Control of moisture to meet ISO standards -20°C dew point Air SF82

Breathing Air

Application/Service Purpose of Measurement Measurement Measurement Gas/Background Gas Recommended Product
Breathing Air Control of moisture to meet ISO standards 5°C below the lowest likely ambient temperature Air SF82

Medical & Surgical Air

In medicinal applications compressed air is used for both breathing and as instrument air. As well as concerns for corrosion and breathing comfort, avoiding bacterial growth is a major concern so careful dew-point monitoring is essential. There are a number of standards established and 2 common standards are: UK Health Technical Memorandum HTM02-01 for purity specification for medical gas, which determines moisture content ≤67 vpm (≤0.05mg/L, atmospheric dew point of -46°C) and European Pharmacopoeia 5.0 for medicinal air ≤67 ppm v/v

Application/Service Purpose of Measurement Measurement Measurement Gas/Background Gas Recommended Product
Medical and Surgical Air Control of moisture to meet ISO standards Less than -46°C dew point / EU standard is less than 67 ppmV Air SF82

Dental Air

In dental air applications there are a number of recommended standards and one common standard is the UK NHS Technical Memorandum HTM2022 Supplement 1, which determines moisture content ≤1020vpm (≤0.78 mg/L, atmospheric dew point of - 20°C)

Application/Service Purpose of Measurement Measurement Measurement Gas/Background Gas Recommended Product
Dental Air Control of moisture to meet ISO standards -20°C dew point Air SF82

Food Grade Air

Application/Service Purpose of Measurement Measurement Measurement Gas/Background Gas Recommended Product
Food grade air Control of moisture to meet ISO standards -40°C dew point(direct)
+3 °C dew point(indirect - not in contact with food)
Air SF82

Spot Checks of Moisture in Compressed Air Systems

Application/Service Purpose of Measurement Measurement Measurement Gas/Background Gas Recommended Product
Spot checks of moisture in compressed air systems Verifying the performance online equipment; detecting leaks in the system Down to -100°C dew point
Easidew PDP Dryer Portable

Compressed Air Quality in Hazardous Areas

Application/Service Purpose of Measurement Measurement Measurement Gas/Background Gas Recommended Product
Compressed air quality in hazardous areas Control of moisture to meet ISO standards Down to -100°C dew point
Air Easidew PRO I.S.
Easidew PRO XP
Easidew I.S.
MDM300 I.S.

Compressed Air Quality

Application/Service Purpose of Measurement Measurement Measurement Gas/Background Gas Recommended Product
Continuous monitoring of compressed air quality Ensuring compressed air and other systems are operating correctly Application specific