Environmental Control and Monitoring for Automotive Testing

PST offers products & expertise to meet the needs of the automotive industry. Our products are used for critical measurements, monitoring & calibrations.

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With the introduction of the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) and Real Driving Emissions (RDE) testing, automotive test and validation facilities are facing increased demand for comprehensive and accurate assessments. To ensure compliance with the latest Vehicle Emissions Regulations and address new challenges posed by 5G and electric car technology, testing providers must enhance their monitoring capabilities. This includes adapting instrumentation and monitoring platforms to meet evolving requirements easily.

Close collaboration with instrumentation providers, along with reliable calibration and maintenance services, is crucial for successful testing and accurate measurements. PST, a trusted partner to major engine and automotive testing facilities, offers a range of products and expertise to meet the industry's evolving needs.

Automotive Test and Validation – Read the Details

In 2017 the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) was introduced. This lab test required the assessment of fuel consumption as well as CO2 and pollutant emissions from cars during

  • Test cycles based on real-driving data 
  • Test cycles based on a variety of driving phases
  • Test cycles using both the heaviest and lightest powertrain configurations

The above testing is complemented by Real Driving Emissions (RDE) testing using a Portable Emissions Measuring System (PEMS), that collects live data while the car is driving on real roads in a variety of conditions.

Facilities that provide these tests and have access to suitable test tracks are increasingly in high demand. Prior to testing cars must be preconditioned at specific environmental conditions and during lab testing these conditions are replicated. All conditions must of course be proven and recorded with suitably accurate instrumentation with

To meet ongoing quality demands and compliance to the latest Vehicle Emissions Regulations (WLTP), testing providers often must improve and enhance their monitoring capability in several key test areas. Latest standards required more frequent ambient measurements as well as five-minute rolling averages. Engine testing is undertaken in multiple soaking areas operating at different temperatures, ranging from -20 °C to +50 °C, requiring numerous temperature and humidity sensors monitoring distinct parts and areas of the test vehicles.

It is no longer practical to use a range of different monitoring platforms for every specific measurement. For the automotive industry, the growth of the latest 5G and electric car technology provides new validation and testing challenges, instruments and monitoring platforms must be able to adapt to meet these new requirements easily. Central management with all data accessible from anywhere on site or even remotely is common, digital probes with standard protocols allow for interoperability. Smart sensors with onboard calibration data allows instrument hot swap without the need for in-situ calibration.

Calibration of measurement instruments is critical; standards require clear traceability and regular calibration. Most test providers will have in-house calibration labs. Lab managers know that close support from instrumentation providers helps solve technical issues quickly.

Instrumentation providers that also offer calibration products ensure deep knowledge not only of the measurements but also the ongoing maintenance and calibration of the instruments.

PST is proud to be a close partner with many of the world's largest engine and automotive testing facilities as well as smaller niche companies and test houses. Our range of products is used for critical measurements, monitoring solutions, and calibration. Our sales and product experts are routinely involved with training and knowledge transfer.

Read more:
Worldwide Harmonized Test Procedure
International Light-Duty: Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP)

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