HVAC & Building Automation

Reliable measurement technology for optimization and adjustment of HVAC controls and indoor air quality.

Indoor Air Quality Influences Product Quality and Well-Being

Indoor air quality has a direct influence on the production and quality of sensitive products from industries such as food, pharmaceuticals or cosmetics. Climate measurement and control is essential for the storage of sensitive products or art objects and depends on location and season. Furthermore, indoor air quality influences our well-being and health. Reliable measurement technology, integrated into efficient HVAC/building management, helps to minimize costs and promote product quality and health.

Over 55 Years of Experience in Monitoring Climatic Parameters

PST offers a wide range of measuring devices and solutions with an optimum cost-benefit ratio for use in the HVAC industry: sensors, handheld meters, data loggers and transmitters, which can be installed directly in ventilation ducts or on the wall as required. Our solutions can also be easily integrated into existing systems and expanded for higher demands in the regulated environment.

Important HVAC Measuring Parameter

In building management, measuring solutions and devices are mainly used to monitor humidity, temperature, CO2 as well as differential pressure. Measuring low dew points prevents damage in compressed air systems, protecting the capital investment in this valuable equipment. The continuous monitoring system RMS provides all measured values via central database and is freely expandable with parameters such as LUX, door contact, video etc.

Product Selector

Application/Service Purpose of Measurement Recommended Products
Climate control in office buildings and rooms and warehouses Control of Humidity and Temperature in HVAC HF1 Humidity Transmitter
HF3 Humidity Transmitter
Climate control for GxP-regulated industries such as pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics Constant monitoring of humidity, temperature and differential pressure for regulated processes to ensure the highest of product quality. Monitoring Systems RMS
HC2A High Accuracy Humidity Probe
HC2A High Accuracy Industrial Probe
HF5A High End Humidity Transmitter
PF4/PF5 Differential Pressure Transmitter
Indoor air monitoring for health and well-being Monitoring important room air parameters such as CO2, temperature, relative humidity, helps to reduce the risk of infection and promote concentration Monitoring Systems RMS
CO2 Display / CL11 Air Quality Monitoring
CP11 Multiple Parameter Datalogger
HL-1D, TL-1D Datalogger
COZIR-BLINK Low Power CO2 Sensor CO2 Display / CL11 Air Quality Monitoring
CP11 Multiple Parameter Datalogger
HL-1D, TL-1D Datalogger
COZIR-BLINK Low Power CO2 Sensor
OXY P25-1
OXY P25-1-4
Differential pressure measurement and monitoring clean rooms Differential pressure measurement is important to prevent air from becoming contaminated inside or outside a cleanroom (as needed). Monitoring Systems RMS
CRP5 Clean Room Panel
PF4/PF5 Differential Pressure Transmitter
Measure humidity and temperature in data centers to prevent overheating, condensation and electrostatic charging. Measure and monitor environmental conditions that must be maintained to ensure performance and longevity of installed hardware. Monitoring Systems RMS
HC2A High Accuracy Humidity Probe

HF3 Humidity Transmitter

HF4 Humidity Transmitter
HF5A High End Humidity Transmitter
Qualify storage rooms using temperature distribution studies/mappings Mapping is the basis for defining where temperature-sensitive products may and may not be stored Monitoring Systems RMS
HL1D, TL-1D Datalogger
GxP Services

Case Studies

Perfect Climate in Duty-free Warehouses

Reliable measuring instruments in a BMS guarantee constant climate conditions for delicate goods in a transit warehouse.

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Live Monitoring of Logistics Warehouses

World-class logistics facilities with state-of-the art IT infrastructure rely on the Rotronic Monitoring System.

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Better Air in Classrooms and Offices

In more than 100 classrooms the quality of room air was measured using CO2 displays. Results were sobering.

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