Humidity Standards and Calibration Devices - Rotronic

Traceable Calibration Salt Solutions for Relative Humidity Calibration

Key features

  • Traceable to national standard
  • Inexpensive calibration on site
  • Simple and safe use
  • Unlimited lifetime as long as the glass ampoules are kept sealed


Salt solutions

Equipped with Rotronic humidity standards, a suitable calibration device and the HygroSoft software, it is easy to calibrate and adjust probes on-site at your premises.

Calibration devices

Rotronic calibration devices are small, airtight chambers that fit any 5/12/15/25 mm probes precisely (Rotronic standard 15/25mm). The lower part of the device consists of a screw-on lid into which the humidity standard is poured on to an absorbent textile pad. The specified humidity is generated in the calibration device after a stabilization period. High humidity values require a longer stabilization period. The probe can then be calibrated or adjusted by comparison with the reference value of the humidity standard.


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