The global safety restrictions relating to the installation, operation & service of products for use within Hazardous Areas/Locations mean there are only limited and specific parts of these types of products that can be serviced by customers. At PSTs trace moisture equipment made by Michell Instruments we have a dedicated servicing process to aid customers to maintain and calibrate their hazardous area products as effectively as the regulations will permit.
Specific spare parts for trace moisture measurement products for hazardous areas can be ordered from Michell Instruments. Each spare part kit is supplied with comprehensive and tested fitting instructions and relevant paperwork to ensure the appropriate warranties are maintained. Our experienced customer services department will also help to ensure the process goes smoothly.
PST companies are offering their life cycle services not only locally. We’ve been commissioning, testing, and maintaining our products and systems for decades in locations as remote as the frozen Tundra of Siberia or the burning heat of sub-Saharan Africa.
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