Measurement technique of trace impurities tends to be application specific with varying levels of complexity. Our range of online impurities analyzers provide continuous measurements of trace impurities in many processes.
More demanding applications require the gas to be sampled though industrial gas chromatographs. This reduces the low limit of detection to ppb levels for a broader range of impurities in complex gas mixtures View examples of chromatograms here
Three different sensing technologies are available for our instrumentation for the trace impurity measurement ranges:
It is possible to combine any of these detectors in the gas chromatographs to tailor their functionality to the most specific industrial needs. Explosion proof or portable gas chromatograph solutions are also on offer. The LDetek proprietary Plasma Emission Detector (PED) can be purchased directly to be integrated into alternative gas chromatographs. Additional complementary sensing technologies are available for moisture and oxygen measurements to extend the capabilities of the trace impurities range. We also produce accessories for noble gas purification, gas blending and multi-gas stream selection are available separately or integrated into 19” cabinets.
Contact our experienced engineers to discuss your application needs.