Compatibilidad de gases de la sonda Lambda

Los analizadores y sensores basados en el principio galvánico son adecuados para la medición de oxígeno desde 100 PPB hasta 100% en una variedad de gases de fondo en una amplia gama de Aplicaciones. Es importante establecer la compatibilidad del sensor galvánico de oxígeno en el gas de fondo de cada aplicación. Esta tabla está diseñada para ayudarle a seleccionar el sensor correcto.

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Chemical Name Formula Sensor Type Special Requirements/Comments
Acetic Acid (vapor) H3COOH XLT Coalescing filter
Acetone (vapor) (CH3)2CO GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Acetylene HCCH GPR - PSR - XLT
Acrylonitrile C3H3N GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Ammonia NH3 GPR - PSR For ppm sensors use – H suffix on sensor > 1000 ppm NH3
Argon Ar GPR - PSR - XLT
Arsine AsH3 XLT
Butadiene C4H6 GPR - PSR 3-4 month life in continuous use, longer with spot checking
Butane C4H10 GPR - PSR - XLT
Carbon Dioxide CO2 GPR - PSR - XLT GPR sensors < 5,000 ppm CO2
Carbon Disulfide CS2 GPR - PSR - XLT GPR sensors < 1,000 ppm CS2
Carbon Monoxide CO GPR - PSR - XLT
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons C+H+Cl GPR - PSR - XLT
Chlorine Cl2 Not Recommended Interfering Signal
Chloro-fluorocarbons H+F+Cl+C GPR - PSR - XLT
Ethyl Acetate C4H8O2 GPR - PSR - XLT
Ethanol (EtOH) C2H5OH GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Ethylene C2H4 GPR - PSR - XLT
Fluorine F2 Not Recommended Interfering Signal
Formaldehyde (vapors) CH2O GPR - PSR - XLT Requires coalesing filter, condenses at room temp
Helium He GPR - PSR - XLT GPR/PSR: PPM sensors - H sensor > 1000 PPM He, % sensors - recommended.
XLT: Not Recommended if He > 65%
Heptanes C7H16 GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Hexanes C6H14 GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter / 3-4 month life
Hydrocarbons H+C GPR - PSR - XLT
Hydrochloric Acid (vapors) HCl XLT Coalescing filter
Hydrogen H2 GPR - PSR - XLT GPR/PSR: PPM sensors - H sensor > 1000 H2 % sensors.
XLT: Not Recommended if H2 > 65%
Hydrogen Cynide HCN GPR - PSR - XLT
Hydrogen Fluoride HF Not Recommended
Hydrogen Sulfide H2S GPR - PSR - XLT > 10 ppm H2S, remove with factory scrubber
Isopropyl Acetate C5H10O2 GPR - PSR - XLT
Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) C3H8O GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Methane CH4 GPR - PSR - XLT
Methanol (MeOH) (vapors) CH3OH GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Methanol (vapors) CH4O GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Methyl Iodide (vapors) CH3I GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
MTBE (vapors) C5H12O GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Nitric Oxide NO GPR - PSR - XLT Limit of 100ppm NO
Nitrogen N2 GPR - PSR - XLT
Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 GPR - PSR - XLT Percentage O2 measurements only with <100 ppm N02
Nitrous Oxide N2O GPR - PSR - XLT Limit of 100ppm N2O
NOx NO, NO2 GPR - PSR - XLT Limit of 100ppm NOX
Octoflurocyclobutane C4F8 GPR - PSR - XLT
Ozone O3 Not Recommended
Pentane (vapors) C5H12 GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Phosgene CCl2O Not Recommended
Phosphane PH3 Not Recommended
Propane C3H8 GPR - PSR - XLT
Propelene Aldehyde (vapors) C3H4O GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Propionic Acid (vapors) C3H6O2 XLT Coalescing filter
Propylene C3H6 GPR - PSR - XLT
Silane SiH4 Not Recommended
Styrene C8H8 GPR - PSR - XLT
Sufuric Acid (vapors) H2SO4 XLT > 10 ppm H2SO4, remove with factory scrubber
Sulfur Dioxide SO2 GPR - PSR - XLT > 10 ppm SO2, remove with factory scrubber
Sulfur Hexafluride SF6 GPR - PSR - XLT Limited life 3 to 4 months
Tetrafuoromethane (vapors) CF4 GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Tetrahydrofurane (vapors) C4H8O GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Toluene (vapors) C7H8 GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Trimethylaluminum (vapors) (CH3)6Al2 GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Turpentine (vapors) (C5H8)n GPR - PSR - XLT > 10 ppm C5H8, coalescing filter
Vinyl Acetate (vapors) C4H6O2 GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter
Vinyl Chloride (vapors) C2H3Cl GPR - PSR - XLT Coalescing filter

GPR Sensors

GPR-12-333 PPM O2 sensor is ideal for measuring oxygen 0-10 PPM in a gas stream
El sensor de oxígeno PPB GPR-13-2000 UHP de sensibilidad ultra alta representa un verdadero avance en la tecnología de sensores
Sonda Lambda SUB-PPM Serie MS
GPR-11-917-M sustituye al sensor de oxígeno R-22A
El GPR-11-917-J avanzado sustituye al sensor de oxígeno R-17A

PSR Sensors

Repuesto de la Sonda Lambda B1
Sensor de recambio para Teledyne M-2 y Teledyne S-2
Sonda Lambda
Sensor de recambio para Teledyne L-2 y L2C ppm
Sonda Lambda de recambio para Figaro KE-25


Sensor de repuesto para: Sensor de oxígeno E-2 por ciento

% Oxygen Sensor

XLT Sensors

XLT-12-123, sustituye a A2C, OX2 y T2
XLT-11-15 sustituye al sensor de oxígeno A-3, A-5 , OX-4 y P3

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