Combustion Efficiency in Crematoria

All furnace operators must control the combustion efficiency for operational reasons

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All furnace operators must control the combustion efficiency for operational reasons: the more efficiently the fuel is burned, the lower the operational costs. Most regions in the world now have specific emissions targets to avoid pollution. Crematoria operators also have to factor in a social aspect. Due to the nature of the business, they are not sited in industrial locations and must carry out their work with sensitivity. Out of consideration to the bereaved and people living nearby, plumes of smoke and ash billowing from the stack is not an option.

Many cremators operate for up to 15 hours a day, so operators select equipment to monitor combustion that is both accurate and reliable. The process of cremation involves sustained high temperatures of between 850 to 1500°C and the gases are corrosive. Any equipment installed must cope with the aggressive conditions found in the oven or stack. By the very nature of the business there are rarely instrument technicians on site, so minimal maintenance is essential. Down-time and replacement parts add to the operating costs, so both must be kept to a minimum.

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